Seller Registration Form CapacityTax credit has been issued to (select one):(Required) an entity I represent a business I own or by which I am employed Other Contact InformationName(Required)Business NameTitle at BusinessMailing Address(Required)Email Address(Required) Daytime Phone Number(Required)Taxpayer identification number(s) of all credit holdersPreferred method for us to contact youPhoneEmailReferralPlease tell us how you heard about Tax Credit AllianceWebsitePresentationAdvertisingReferralOtherName of ReferrerTax Credit InformationType of creditInvestment Tax CreditEnergy Tax CreditClean Electricity Investment Tax CreditQualifying Advanced Energy Project CreditAlternative Fuel Vehicle Refueling Property Tax CreditRenewable Electricity Production Tax CreditClean Electricity Production Tax CreditZero-Emission Nuclear Power Production Tax CreditNew Clean Fuel Production Tax CreditClean Hydrogen Production Tax CreditCarbon Oxide Sequestration Tax CreditAmount of credit you want to sellNames of all persons or entities to whom credit was issued (or is expected to be issued)Has the IRS credit registration number been issued yet?(Required) Yes No Date credit was issued MM slash DD slash YYYY Date credit is expected to be issued MM slash DD slash YYYY Total amount of credit when issuedHave you used or intend to use any of the credit?(Required) Yes No How much?Have you transferred any part of the credit? Yes No Other If you transferred part of the credit, who did you transfer it to?Do you intend to transfer your credit to multiple buyers?PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.